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Agricultural water management scenarios for South Africa

Water is the most critical resource for economic development and food security and more so in a water stressed South Africa. The Water Resource Commission (WRC) funds a project titled “Agricultural Water Management Scenarios for South Africa” and seeks to capture inputs and contributions from all agricultural water stake holders in South Africa. Mariana Purnell of Agbiz Grain recently participated in a meeting with the research team (from the University of the Free State) which is consulting all stakeholders through a series of small stakeholder workshops and two national symposia to develop scenarios for future agricultural water management in South Africa. The presentations were thought provoking. The WRC also anticipates that that these scenarios will influence future policy.

Published: 13/12/2018


South Africa’s agricultural machinery sales slow in November 2018

The decline in South Africa’s tractors and combine harvester sales to 428 and 9 units, respectively, in November 2018 comes as no surprise as most farmers bought some equipment in the past couple of months. This is evident from South Africa’s tractor sales for the first 11 months of this year, which amounted to 6 246 units, up by 4% higher than the corresponding period last year. Over the same period, the combine harvester sales amounted to 194 units, up by a percentage point from the first 11 months of 2017. - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz head of Agribusiness Research

Published: 11/12/2018


Agribusiness Outlook for 2019

“The damage done to the economy and the social fabric of society by the Zuma administration through so-called state capture over the past decade is enormous. It will take a mammoth effort by all South Africans respecting the Constitution and the rule of law to turn South Africa around on the road to growth and prosperity for all its people. By instituting the Zondo Commission of Enquiry into State Capture and the Nugent Commission of Enquiry into the South African Revenue Service (SARS), as well as appointing Advocate Shamila Batohi as National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP), President Ramaphosa has so far made good on his promise to fight corruption and clean up government and governance,” Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz said today. - Agbiz media statement issued on 5 December 2018

Published: 05/12/2018


Agbiz confirms its position on property rights and inclusive growth

“As stated in its comprehensive submission to the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) in June 2018, the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) confirms its strong position on the protection and extension of property rights. Property rights underline the values and principles related to individual liberty and economic freedom. A strong property rights system is the enabler for fostering investment and economic growth, human capabilities, research and innovation, environmental performance, and the creation of social capital. Property rights are the key ingredient for the prosperity of society,” Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz said today. - Agbiz media statement issued on 3 December 2018

Published: 03/12/2018


President signs Labour Law Amendment Acts into law

President Ramaphosa has signed the Labour Law Amendments Acts, What does it mean for agriculture in general and the employer specifically Following are some frequently asked questions to look into the detail. - Elize van der Westhuizen, director of Comply Plus

Published: 29/11/2018


Land reform: Status update

On 15 November 2018 the Constitutional Review Committee made the recommendation that section 25 of the Constitution should be amended to ‘clarify’ that section 25 of the Constitution does make provision for expropriation without compensation. At this time the conditions under which this may happen are still unknown as Parliament is yet to draft and consult on the exact wording of the proposed amendment.

Published: 29/11/2018


Carbon Tax Bill introduced into the National Assembly

On Tuesday 20 November, the Minister of Finance formally introduced the Carbon Tax Bill into the National Assembly. The Speaker will outline the process that is to be followed from here. A number of changes has been made to the Bill, reportedly as a result of comments received during the public participation process. One of the principle points raised by the business community during the public participation process was the non-alignment between carbon budgets and the carbon tax. - Theo Boshoff, Agbiz head of Legal Intelligence

Published: 23/11/2018


What does a 'clarification' amendment mean?

The Constitutional Review Committee yesterday revealed their decision to recommend an amendment to section 25 of the Constitution to ‘clarify’ that expropriation without compensation can take place under section 25 of the Constitution. The details of this proposal are still unclear and one will only be able to fully assess the impacts of such an amendment once the conditions are made public, however, it is worth dissecting what a ‘clarification’ amendment could entail. - Theo Boshoff, Agbiz head of Legal Intelligence

Published: 16/11/2018


Agbiz responds to the Constitutional Review Committee’s recommendation to amend the Constitution to provide for land expropriation without compensation

“Agbiz has noted with disappointment and concern the recommendation by the Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) to amend the Constitution of South Africa to explicitly make provision for land expropriation without compensation. Agbiz has consistently maintained that it is not necessary to amend the Constitution to effect land reform in South Africa, and this proposed amendment to the Constitution will impact negatively on much-needed investment and harm the economy”, Dr John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, said today. - Agbiz media statement, issued 16 November 2018

Published: 16/11/2018


Namibian GMO food labeling regulations will affect trade with South Africa

New Namibian GMO Food Labeling Regulations will affect all future grain exports to Namibia. This was according to the CEO of the National Commission on Research, Science and Technology (NCRST) and GM of Innovation, Technology and Development in Namibia who recently addressed grain value chain role players on the impact of the new legislation and the GMO list that was compiled for maize, soybean, canola, wheat, cotton and rice. The Biosafety Act 2006 of Namibia provides measures to regulate the activities that involve research, development, production, marketing, transportation, applications and other uses of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as specific products derived from these GMOs as they are harnessed safely.

Published: 09/11/2018
