Last week, I came across an interesting article by the U.S. agricultural economist, Jason Lusk, highlighting the disruptive trends in food and agriculture. Lusk identified six key trends on the horizon. However, the two most notable ones were: (1) Blockchain – an underlying technology that facilitates bitcoin trades and could be applied to many other industries; and (2) Online food buying – Amazon might do to food what they have done in other industries - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz economist.
Published: 01/02/2018
MoreWhen it comes to agriculture, Western Cape is essential – not only because of its production of fine wines, but also for its contribution to South Africa's agricultural labour market and the broader economy. The province is a leading employer in primary agriculture, commanding a share of 20 percent of the country's total agricultural labour force in the third quarter of 2017. In addition, the province is the second-largest contributor to the agricultural economy in terms of gross domestic product (GDP), with a contribution of 22 percent - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz economist
Published: 01/02/2018
MoreIn the 30th of January 2018, Agbiz delivered a presentation on behalf of its members to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the proposed amendments to the National Credit Act. The National Credit Amendment Bill, 2017, is unique in that it was initiated not by the Department of Trade and Industry, but by the Portfolio Committee itself. The primary aim of the Bill is to assist the most marginalised people in our economy, namely overindebted persons who earn an income of less than R7500 per month with not realisable assets - Theo Boshoff, Agbiz Head: Legal Intelligence
Published: 01/02/2018
MoreIn the first eleven months of 2017, South Africa imported a total of 461 thousand tons of chicken. This is down by 7 percent when compared to the corresponding period in the previous year. During this period the Americas, that is, Brazil and the United States, were the key suppliers accounting for more than two thirds of the imports - Sifiso Ntombela, Agbiz Head: International Trade and Investment Intelligence
Published: 25/01/2018
MoreTen midde van die politieke onsekerheid in die land, moet landbouers heelwat ander uitdagings ook bestuur. Daar is verskeie opinies oor wat vanjaar in terme van grond, water en lone gaan gebeur, maar wat sê die wet? Theo Boshoff van Agbiz gesels hieroor.
Published: 25/01/2018
MoreFood inflation for December 2017 was in line with our expectation at 4.9% y/y, from 5.2% in November 2017. This is reflective of the current lower agricultural commodity prices, which in turn, have been pressured by a large harvest from the 2016/17 production season. We expect this trend to persist in the short term cushioned by the relatively large stock from the previous season, despite the fears of dryness in the western parts of the country - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz Head: Agribusiness Intelligence
Published: 24/01/2018
MoreThe Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) of South Africa will be holding its biennial Congress at the Boardwalk Hotel and Conference Centre in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape on 7 to 8 June 2018. Register now to benefit from the early bird registration fee. More information is available on the 2018 Agbiz Congress website»
Published: 22/01/2018
MoreIn 2017 the agricultural sector provided a significant boost to the national economy and assisted it from falling into a protracted technical recession. This was on the back of exceptionally good rainfall early in 2017 that resulted in record maize (17,4 million metric tons) and soybean (1,3 million metric tons) crops, amongst others, and despite severe drought conditions in the Western Cape. Agriculture GDP is however highly volatile over seasons and largely dependent on favourable agricultural conditions - Dr John Purchase, Agbiz CEO
Published: 19/01/2018
MoreAfter a positive start to the year with a marginal decline in fuel prices, February 2018 could bring a further reduction in fuel prices, thanks to the stronger domestic currency. It is still early to be certain about the scale, but the current estimates suggest that prices of petrol and diesel could fall by 3% and 1%, respectively, from January 2018 levels - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz economist
Published: 18/01/2018
MoreI concluded 2017 with a positive outlook for South Africa’s agriculture in 2018 – underpinned by good chances of La Niña weather conditions during the 2017/18 summer season. This essentially meant that the country was expected to receive above-normal rainfall, which would have been good for agricultural activity - Wandile Sihlobo, Agbiz Economist - This article first appeared in Business Day, 11 January 2017
Published: 11/01/2018